Sunday, January 16, 2005

Looking at Homework

Today, I found myself with a serious dilemna. Almost as serious as losing the power in my room. I thought, "maybe I should do some homework". You may ask, why is this a serious dilemna. The answer is equally simple. 1) I won't do it tomorrow, and 2) I have a crapload of it to do.

Right now, I am even debating whether or not to be writing in this Blog or going over Physics problems that are a two weeks old. I could be doing 1 of the 3 math assignments i need to do. Meh, I say to myself, meh. I'll do it tomorrow... after robotics.

I would also like to say that I think I am becoming sick, because my throat has large globules of garbage, and causes me to go "herhem" every 20 seconds. I hope I don't barf up a lung or something, or maybe I do. I would like to miss some school, but generally I leave that up to the weather (I want snow).

Seeing as this current composition is going in a pretty lame direction, I think I'll revitalize it by talking a bit about current trends in... music.

1) Ashley Simpson is actually an alien.
2) Dick Cheney was actually a Rock Artist once (I'm pretty sure I made this up)
3) Avril Lavigne sucks pretty bad
4) MTV sucks pretty bad
5) Eminem is actually the result of a terrible experiment
6) The experiment involved Dick Cheney and possums
7) Thats Gross.



Blogger Unknown said...

Physics vs. Blogging? Blogging every time. I don't even understand the word, for I never took physics, thank God. Is it absurd math with science or absurd science with math. Who knows, blog away!

January 17, 2005 at 3:58 PM  

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